Privacy Policy

1. Why we collect personal information and how we may use it

Personal information includes information we hold about you from which your identity can be reasonably determined and may include but not be limited to your name, address, telephone number, email address and photo.

Generally, 123 Group Pty Ltd including Contractors, Agents, partner and affiliates will collect personal information directly from you, only to the extent necessary to perform our services and will be referred to in this document as 123 Group.

We collect using these methods:

• application and enquiry forms,
• telephone conversations;
• from emails,
• via our website; or
• with personal contact

We store your personal information electronically or in hard copy.

We will collect personal information from you by lawful and fair means and will use your personal information only for the particular purpose that you provided it which is to provide our services to you or for a directly related purpose such as required or permitted by law or with your consent.

To enable us to provide those services, we will disclose your personal information to those relevant entities which are members of or associated with 123 Group.

We do not share your personal information with other organisations outside 123 Group unless you give us your consent, or where sharing is otherwise required or permitted by law, or where this is necessary on a temporary basis.

We will not disclose your personal information to overseas recipients. When we temporarily provide personal information to companies who perform services for us, such as specialist information technology companies or other contractors, we require those companies to protect your personal information as diligently as we do.

2. Your rights

You have the right to request access to the personal information you provide, and to correct or update your personal information. This right is subject to certain exceptions allowed by law (see point 3). You may instruct us to remove any previous consent you provided to receive marketing communications from us. You may contact us on Australian telephone number: 1300 886 456 or email address: and if it relates to privacy please address your correspondence to “Privacy Manager”.

Direct marketing and your privacy

From time to time we may use the personal information we collect from you to identify services which we believe may be of interest to you. We may then contact you electronically, by phone or in hard copy to let you know about these services and how they may benefit you. We will always give you a choice to opt out of receiving such information in future.


From time to time we may use the personal information we collect from you to evaluate your opinion about our services.

3. Information sharing

We have a duty to maintain the privacy of all personal information we hold about you. However, certain exceptions may apply where disclosure of your personal information is either:

authorised or required by law

Such as government departments and agencies like Australian Taxation Office, CentreLink, Child Support Agency, or to courts under subpoena.

in the public interest

Like where a crime, fraud or misdemeanour is committed or suspected, and disclosure against the customer’s rights to confidentiality is justified.

with consent

Your consent may be implied or express and it may also be verbal or written.

4. Privacy preferences

Every personalised marketing contact sent or made by us will include a means by which customers may opt out of receiving further marketing information. You may instruct us in writing at any time to remove any previous consent you provided to receive marketing or survey communications from us.

5. Updates

Some personal information which we hold will become out of date and we will take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information which we hold remains accurate and, if you advise us of a change of details, we will amend our records accordingly.

6. Access to your personal information

123 Group will, upon your request, and subject to applicable privacy laws, provide you with access to your personal information that is held by us. However, we ask that you identify, as clearly as possible, the type/s of information requested. You may be required to provide us with personal identification.

123 Group will deal with your request in a reasonable time – usually within 30 days of receipt of your request. We will not charge you for lodging such a request but we may recover from you our reasonable costs incurred in supplying you with access to this information if applicable.


Your right to access your personal information is not absolute. In certain circumstances, the law permits us to refuse your request to provide you with access to your personal information, such as circumstances where:

• access would pose a serious threat to the life or health of any individual;
• access would have an unreasonable impact on the privacy of others;
• the request is frivolous or vexatious;
• the information relates to existing or anticipated legal proceedings;
• the information relates to a commercially sensitive decision making process;
• access would be unlawful; or
• access may prejudice enforcement activities, a security function or commercial negotiations.

7. Information security

123 Group is committed to keeping your trust by protecting and securing your personal information. We use technical, administrative and physical procedures to protect personal information from unauthorised disclosure, loss, misuse or alteration.

8. Information transfer including Overseas

Some of your personal information may be stored on an International server and if we transfer personal information to countries outside Australia, we will only do so in compliance with all applicable Australian data protection and privacy laws.

9. Complaints

Privacy Complaints should be made to the CEO within 30 Days of the alleged breach occurring and will be logged as a Privacy Complaint. Complaints over the telephone or in person can be received by a delegate when the complaints are capable of resolution within five working days. The Privacy Office will investigate the Privacy Complaint in consultation with any appropriate managers or other personnel.

The Privacy Officer will:

• be a contact point for any person wishing to make a complaint,
• receive and ensure any written Privacy Complaint is acknowledged,
• ensure the complaint is recorded as a Privacy Complaint,
• ensure the Privacy Complaint is investigated and assess the complaint;
• identify the outcome the complainant seeks as a consequence of submitting the complaint (e.g. an apology);
• ensure the investigation process is documented,
• seek technical and/or legal advice through the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner and/or a Legal Professional as appropriate;
• notify the complainant in writing of the outcome stating the reasons for the decision. The complainant has the right to appeal to the Privacy Commissioner if the complainant remains dissatisfied with the outcome reached.