Enrolment Thank You


If your payment was successful you will receive an email with your passwords to access each course.

Successful Enrolment

You are viewing this page as confirmation for completing an enrolment for an online course and online support. If you have paid using a credit card expect an email by 5pm the next business day with your student enrolment information.

Please white list our email address (info@natbooks.com.au) or support@cumulo.com.au and add it to your address book. If you do not receive your welcome email in the expected time, check your junkmail folder and finally email  support@cumulo.com.au if it’s not there.

Enrolment with Payment Pending

If you have requested an alternative payment method we will email you an invoice (if you are an existing account holder) for payment of your enrolment. If you do not have an account but believe you’ll have regular students please contact us on info@natbooks.com.au.

If you simply wish to pay by internet transfer or cheque please find our payment details below (email info@natbooks.com.au once you have made your payment):

Internet Transfer:

123 Group Pty Ltd
Bank: Commonwealth Bank of Australia
BSB: 06 2832
Account #: 1028 0904

Mail a cheque to:
123 Group Pty Ltd
PO Box 3188

Study & Business Lending

If you are taking advantage of one of our payment plans and have made your initial payment then follow the link below to setup your payment plan. If you have chosen this option the payment plan must be established before we can commence services.

Payment Plan Setup

Small Business Training and Online Services
123 Group Pty Ltd

Please RATE US

If you are at this page you have probably done a lot of research about the various online training courses available, asked your friends some questions and looked around the Internet for confirmation that our online courses are exceptional value. We would love to receive your feedback via our Google + page so please feel free to visit and write a note about our company.
